Professional & State Accredited Guidance
​After six years of graduate study and nine as a full-time professional guide, I have learned how to show every visitor the parts of Paris that resonate most with them.
Paris’ admirers, wanderers, and students of art and history have been keeping me company as I walk the city’s streets for close to a decade now, and it has been my great joy to show them the city where I live my life.
Actually, my love of French culture – from fashion to food to literature and architecture – brought me to La Sorbonne.
There, over the course of five years, I earned my Master’s degrees in both Western History and the History of Art.
Upon completion, I entered the Ministry of Culture’s prestigious program for becoming an accredited Guide Conferencier, a certification issued to fewer than 100 people every year that allows us to offer tours of the National Monuments – without waiting in the public lines.
​The factual information we share with our clients during our tours are verified. It comes from years of dedicated studies, trainings and more than a decade of work experience as a local tour guide in Paris.
We follow the Art shows in Paris, we attend the recent Art history lectures at the Louvre auditorium, we read about the local art news, the updates and we like to review the new findings in the fields of French History and Art History.
We are driven by a constant thrive to learn more, and to present better.
Studies of Art History & History
Sorbonne Paris III
Studied Art and History at the Sobonne Paris III for more than 5 years.
Holder of a Master Degree in History of Art.
Among many topics, we studied History, French Architecture, History of Monuments and famous figures, Medieval Art, Renaissance, Baroque, paintings and sculptures, Modern Art, impressionism, Expressionism... but also topics related to Art Philosophy, French Culture, Art de Vivre & Cuisine, evolution of French politics and society, Museology and scenology, Theatre and Music ...
Special training in English to acquire the right to guide groups inside the National Monuments and National Museums of France.
Passed the Oral exam in front of a Jury of Art History experts.
Passed the Written exam to assess my languages level, my technical knowledge of Art History with the validation of an internship as a professional guide-conférencière to become a fully-licensed tour guide.
Private Tour guide in Paris
Work Experience
I have been working as an independent Freelancer guide conférencière in Paris since 2013.
I am trained on the classic art tours and on a few Paris by local tours.
Then I devoted my time to research on special topics in Art History and France History in order to offer quality tours for English-speaking clients.
I am always looking for inspiration in Paris. Today, I thrive on creating customized tours, building partnerships with unique boutiques, visiting new Art shows and discovering new places for my clients.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch by using the form or by email (preferred) so we can start working together.
email : flora@tours-in-paris.com